ABSTRACT In order to evaluate the performance of several scheduling policies for multiclass queuing networks we felt the need to develop a general purpose software package where different networks and policies can be tried, either from a set of pre-defined systems and policies or for user-defined systems and policies. In this paper we present a package to perform discrete event simulation of a manufacturing system with different configurations specified by the user, according to the framework of activity networks as introduced by Harrison [1]. The package uses an object oriented modelling technique. The language in question is JAVA. The architecture of the system to be simulated is described in file format, where the resources, routing patterns for customers, and other parameters are specified. The user may choose the decision policies from a library of methods or can add new policies to this library. The modelling flexibility permitted includes standard multiclass queuing networks to be modeled, where there are a few types of customers, each characterized by a unique routing, at each stage of the routing customers wait in a specific buffer for the next service, and each server works on a customer at a time. The activity networks allow other configurations, where a given service may take more than a customer from different buffers. Some preliminary studies on the performance evaluation of distributed scheduling policies for queuing networks are presented as a means to provide insights on the type of utilization the package can have.